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Flowers for Services

Would you like to contribute to the beauty of worship services at PHPC? Would you like to remember a loved one or celebrate a special occasion with flowers? Here's how!

Katie Dollar, PHPC's Receptionist/Administrative Assistant, administers the flower program and is the contact/recipient of all forms and payments. If you have any questions, please contact her at 214-368-6348, ext. 110.

Flowers for the Sanctuary and Chapel

The Flower Reservation Calendar is located on the wall in the hallway across from the main church office. The calendar for the coming year is posted by the first Sunday in December. Dates are available all year except for three Sundays in December, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday.

To reserve a Sunday, follow these steps:

  • Sign up for your desired Sunday on the Flower Reservation Calendar.
  • Complete a Flower Reservation Form (available online or next to the calendar in the hallway).
  • Return the form as soon as possible to the church as instructed with your check to ensure your requested date. Your reservation is confirmed upon receipt of payment.

To reserve flowers for the Sanctuary, the cost is $100.

To reserve flowers for the Chapel, the cost is $40 for one arrangement and $60 for two arrangements.  

Flowers for the Columbarium

To reserve flowers for the Columbarium, follow these steps:

  • Complete a Flower Reservation Form, available online.
  • Return the form as soon as possible to the church as instructed with your check to ensure your requested date. Your reservation is confirmed upon receipt of payment.

The flowers in the Columbarium cost $50.

Easter Lilies

These plants are only for Easter Sunday. Forms are distributed in the church bulletin and are also available in the literature rack in the Atrium seating area beginning about a month prior to Easter.

  • Complete the Easter Lily Form, indicating those whom you wish to honor or remember in the church bulletin on Easter Sunday morning.
  • Return the form to the church with your check by the deadline as instructed on the form.

Note: Any forms received after the deadline will not be published in the bulletin.  

Lilies are $10 each.

You may pick up your plant following the 11 a.m. worship service on Easter Sunday. Thank you for adding to the beauty of our church and the worship service at Easter. Donations to the Easter Lily Fund will be used to purchase the display for Easter Day services. After enough plants are purchased for an appropriate display, donations will be used for the year-long work of the PHPC Flower Committee.


Forms are distributed with the church bulletin, in the Herald, and are also available in the literature rack in the Atrium seating area about a month prior to Christmas.

  • Complete the Poinsettia Form, indictating those whom you wish to honor or remember in the church bulletin the morning of the third Sunday of Advent.
  • Return the form to the church with your check by the deadline as instructed on the form.

Note: Any forms received after the deadline will not be published in the bulletin.

Poinsettias are $10 each.

You may pick up your plant(s) following the 11 p.m. Christmas Eve Service. Thank you for adding to the beauty of our church at Christmas. Donations to the Poinsettia Fund will be used to purchase the display for the church for three Sundays in December. When sufficient plants have been purchased for an appropriate display, donations will then be used for the year-long work of the PHPC Flower Committee.