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ywyww (03.22.2015 @ 10:52:18)
My wife & I willboth become 95 this year. The ability to see the service on my computer allows us to worship with you and the picture is great. Oliver & Mary Louise Wood

Barrie Gravel (03.22.2015 @ 10:47:02)
Wonderful service

Elizabeth Vezina (03.22.2015 @ 10:12:37)
Great message Rev. Nicole!

Marsha Marlatt (03.15.2015 @ 12:12:20)
I wish I could be there in person.

Linda Juba (03.15.2015 @ 11:28:15)
I enjoyed the theme and thought of my Grandmother who taught me John 3:16. However, I was having trouble with Live Streaming and will switch to radio. Thanks be to God.

Mike, Lynn, Cara, & Micayla Clark (03.15.2015 @ 11:27:43)

Beth Moriarty (03.15.2015 @ 11:03:22)

Shane and Melanie Sumrow (03.08.2015 @ 17:38:35)
It's great to watch PHPC while away. Thanks Dan for the great streaming this morning!

Dean j. A. Michelangelo (03.08.2015 @ 12:59:01)
Thank You! Today there are so many obligation and society today all knows what is correct & when we need help their is 'no room in the in', we all have are own more precious affairs. These are walls, defenses to put off answering the lords prayers: blessed are the poor in spirit. While easy now in my trials, that of a sandwich generation parent/child: raising a child, assisting an elderly dad,who is being elder abuse by his girlfriend. And the folks that attempt to turn to keep their distance. Where does one turn in theory society should have the facilities available. But system is about bureaucratic preservation not families. The system isn't their when you neede most. Thank you for your sermon, although inspirational I'm filled with doubt and despair in my need for assistance to take on these challenges, Jesus a teacher of truth but how difficult it is to have his folk listen and follow in his message. Hope is eternal.and is strong and blessed with deep funds and resources. Even I am surprised how ravenous the system can be.I thank you! P,S, if you could suggest readings, folks, and prayer to guide one through extremely difficult time, I would appreciate it immensely. I'm finding out on this episodic journey many fall prey to similar these very same horrendous situation. I've heard Getmany this is lanced in one respect a mate that comes intruding at death door of a family member cannot co opt the system and household by intimidation by a let marriage that is barren & fruitless of the next generation, thus only an intruder who is wicked and selfish in her actions. May era society wake up to this on going epidemic of the break down of our families by the gaming of the system.& yet even now there is the active potion by LBGT movement into are class room on are young, who I've already seen a friend, mother watch in disparity her daughter experiment LBGT life style & worried this will be the end of there family line by forced fruitless/barren household. How naive we are when ignore Jesus's teaching go forth and be fruitful. If you cannot be of assistance for me today do not forget are precious young. Again Thank you. Ciao, with all dear respect, yours, Dean Alan.

Miriam S Kindred (03.08.2015 @ 12:39:09)
Do not print my earlier message--put it in wrong place

Marsha Marlatt (03.08.2015 @ 11:57:38)
Great service.

Linda Juba (03.08.2015 @ 11:55:13)
Great food for thought.

Miriam S Kindred (03.08.2015 @ 10:28:21)
Have ben listening for some time. May join PHPC.

Duncan Smith (03.05.2015 @ 17:17:53)
Beautiful service, although I never met Jake, he would have been greatly humbled. Many hugs to you and HP.. Duncan

Janice Evans (03.05.2015 @ 17:06:43)
I am so thankful I could attend the funeral via streaming and be there in spirit with my dear granddaughter Cassie Evans and family.

sandra fowler, ph.d (03.05.2015 @ 17:02:19)
arms around the evans' family from California Earl and Sandra Fowler

Chris Wiesmueller (03.05.2015 @ 16:12:50)
Thank you so much for providing this service. I am thankful that I can watch Jake's funeral from 1000 miles away.

Carolyn P. Smith (03.05.2015 @ 16:02:17)
Thank you for streaming Jake Decker's funeral service. All flights from Mobile to Dallas were cancelled due fo the weather and this allows me to at least feel like I am there. Thank you again, Caroln Smith

EuniceWilliams (03.01.2015 @ 19:59:26)
Great Sermon Elizabeth !!!

Marilyn Swingle (03.01.2015 @ 12:36:03)
I hope live stream worship with PHPC will again be available soon. I am a regular and miss the opportunity.

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