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"During this day, we experience the joy
of being the best we can be -- what the Lord calls us to be. Just one life being touched and improved makes all the difference.
Through that gracious love, we show who Jesus Christ is, and we reflect his love." 

~Health Fair Coordinator, Kathleen Klein

Sign Up to Help:

To sign up for volunteer opportunities, please complete this registration form and turn in at the Atrium counter. Volunteers at the Atrium counter can answer questions and accept completed registration forms every Sunday from September 25 through October 24. You can also contact Kathleen Klein directly (information below).

VMHF Contact:
Kathleen Klein: 214-357-6823 or

2011 Vickery Meadow Health Fair

Saturday, October 29, 2011: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Conrad High School (7502 Fair Oaks Ave., 75231)

In conjunction with Parkland Hospital, PHPC sponsors an annual fall health fair for the residents of the Vickery Meadow area. The health fair provides screening for diabetes, high blood pressure, and prostate cancer, plus mammography. The fair also provides health education, flu shots, and immunizations. 

PHPC began the health fair eleven years ago. In the beginning, the fair served 200-300 residents. Now the average number of attendees is approximately 1,200. In addition to receiving the services at the health fair, the children who attend get to hand-pick a book to take home. Also, all attendees receive granola bars and bottled water. 

How You Can Help - Book Sorting & Transport

Book Transporting 
Friday, October 28, 4-5:30 p.m. and after the Fair on Saturday, October 29.  

How You Can Help - Fair Opportunities

It takes up to 120 volunteers to make the fair a success! Please consider how you can get involved.

Pre-Fair Service Opportunities

Donate bottles of water and/or granola/nutrition bars -- bring to the Atrium - Sundays, Oct 2-23. 

Work at volunteer recruitment and enrollment in the PHPC Atrium

  • Sundays, October 2, 9, 16, 23: Choose one or more shifts after worship services (9-9:30, 10:30-11:00, or 12-12:30) 
  • Set up provider booths at Conrad High School on Friday, October 28, approximately 4-5:00 p.m.

 During Fair Service Opportunities

  • Hospitality (provide food and water to guests, providers, and volunteers both outside and inside)
  • Parking Lot (secure parking lot and direct traffic for providers and guests)
  • Greeter/Guide (Direct and assist guide outside, in hallways, and at the flu shot station; assist in filling out forms both inside and outside the building, Spanish is helpful; Assist children in selecting an age-appropriate book in a centralized location)
  • Translators (Spanish, French, and other languages)
  • Book Distributors (Hand out books to children standing in line)

Post-Fair Service Opportunities

Take down provider booths - Saturday, October 29, from 1-2:00 p.m.