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Angels with Aprons

We all know how comforting a delicious meal or dessert can be...especially during a stressful or lonely time. Did you know that PHPC has a ministry that supports delivery of food to those in need? Angels with Aprons is a ministry of the Board of Deacons, Friends in Christ, and its sole mission is to reach out to our homebound friends with meals or sweets.

This ministry provides containers and a freezer in the church parlor kitchen for laity to package small meals (leftovers and extra portions, soups and casseroles) and cookies that can then be delivered to members who are homebound.

Donated food (such as your extra portions) will be delivered to people receiving a visit from PHPC Visitation Teams, Outreach Communion teams, pastors, Elders, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, and people like you.

How you can help and participate in this ministry:

Members are encouraged to bring food to the freezer AND take food from the freezer to deliver to members of our congregation.

ANYTIME you visit a friend, (after a hospital stay, after the birth of a baby or during an illness or injury), you are encouraged to take food from the freezer and bring it to those in need. 

Questions? Contact Judson Watkins at